So.... I didn't want to start this blog until I felt like this pregnancy was real. But since I'm nauseous just about every morning and bloated like crazy, I'm thinking it's real. :)
Plus.... We got to see our baby!! (See first sonogram picture above)
Since I'm so late in starting this blog, here is a basic timeline on how it has gone so far:
December 3rd: Woke up and "felt" pregnant, so I took a test, and sure enough.... PREGNANT!
- I told a few close friends as soon as I found out. Couldn't keep it in! I kept running around the house screaming I'm pregnant! I'm Pregnant!! Aghh!!!
December 14th: My birthday! We told my parents today at dinner. (Had to explain why I couldn't drink the wine.lol) They are excited to have a 9th grandchild joining the family.
December 20th: We told the rest of my family today at Ashley's annual Christmas party.
December 24th: Christmas Eve! We had Christmas with Jason's family tonight and we told them all the good news. Everyone was very excited! This will be Jason's parents first grandchild.
January 4th: My first appointment! We got to see the heartbeat, but didn't get to hear it yet. Doc said she would be able to hook up a monitor to my belly at the next appointment and we would be able to hear the heartbeat.
February 1st: My 12 week appointment! Can't wait!